Solving Jigsaw puzzles is one of the oldest hobbies that’ll never fade away. Puzzle-solving is a great way to pass the time constructively and provide education. The oldest known puzzle is a dissection of a square mentioned by Archimedes around 250BC. Modern puzzles range from easy to hard puzzles. Similarly, puzzles vary according to numbers of pieces, including 300 piece puzzles, 500, 1000 pc puzzle, and 2000 piece puzzles. Jigsaw puzzles are beneficial in people’s lives in numerous ways. Below are benefits of puzzles.
1. Enhanced Memory
Solving puzzles increases the development of a new relationship in the brain cells while reinforcing existing connections. As result, the conventions enhance thought processes and mental speed. Puzzles are, therefore, very efficient in boosting short memory and coordination. Short memory helps us to remember colors and shapes. Also, it enables us to see the big picture by figuring out where each piece fits in a puzzle. Studies show that jigsaw puzzles reduce the risk of memory loss problems such as Dementia. Easy Puzzles also help children to gain patience, concentration, and memory.
2. Improves Visual-Spatial Reasoning
Solving a 1000 pc puzzle involves figuring out where different pieces fit in a bigger picture. This significantly helps to improve visual-spatial reasoning. Visual spacial skills come in handy in different areas, including using reading maps, car driving, and architects.
3. Problem-solving Skills
Critical thinking and problem solving skills are very beneficial in a work environment. Puzzles can help you develop these important skills since they involve a lot of trial and error. This helps us to try and solve problems by taking different approaches. Puzzles also impact people with value of testing hypotheses and formulating theories. It also teaches us to change perspectives if things are not working out.
Solving a 1000 pc puzzle gives you handy skills to solve problems. First, you realize that a problem exists. Then you search for solutions, test them, and adjust if they do not work. You persist until you find a solution. It’s a fun way to learn problem-solving skills.
4. Dopamine Production
Our brains produce neurotransmitters that direct our bodies on how and when to perform different functions. They assist us in coordination between the brain and the nervous system. Puzzles help our body to produce dopamine, which enhances concentration, confidence, recollection, and optimism. High dopamine levels reinforce our understanding and puzzle-solving practice. This is why people have an intense desire to keep solving more challenging puzzles.
5. Accelerates Ingenuity
Jigsaw puzzles help people to use different approaches to think about issues. These thoughts help us to develop a way of exercising our minds’ operation more efficiently. In addition to systematic approach, puzzles help to formulate and test hypothesis. This helps us to become more creative and innovative. Also, doing puzzles helps to develop precognitive skills in different fields.
6. Cooperation
Large 1000 piece jigsaw puzzles are suitable for group activity and family games. All members can work together towards a common goal. The group can have fun and boost teamwork and cooperation. Similarly, puzzles teach people to be independent as they work on a portion of the picture. It also promotes sense of interdependence. Cooperation alleviates frustration since group effort helps solve problems that seem unsolvable.
7. Increases IQ
Puzzles improve reasoning and memory. But that is not all, solving puzzles raises our intelligence quotient. According to research by the University of Michigan, playing puzzle games 25 minutes every day can boost IQ our by several points.
8. Meditation
Puzzles activate the brains and help players to relax psychologically at the same time. Contemplating on solutions to solve 1000 piece puzzles encourages the mind to relax and assist us to get tranquility and better mindset.
9. Enhance Physical Dexterity
Puzzles enhance physical dexterity. This is particularly beneficial for older people or young ones who need to enhance physical condition and dexterity. Care experts for seniors recommend puzzles for hands and finger exercises. Jigsaw puzzles also help development of dexterity and hand and fingers coordination.
The complexity and the demanding nature of the puzzles make them fun and very beneficial. The ability to solve puzzles depends on specified age. Therefore, adults should try to solve more complex puzzles such as 1000 pc puzzle. However, puzzles are suitable for people across all ages.