What makes a skateboard such a fantastic piece of equipment?
It could be in just how multi-purpose it is. People use it for all sorts of reasons and look incredibly stylish doing so. Want to squeeze a bit more exercise into your week? A skateboard can work out your legs and give you some of that much-needed cardio. How about an efficient mode of travel that saves on gas? Just grab your battery skateboard and glide from block to block without a care in the world. If this is your first time investing in an electric powered skateboard or you’re getting back into the hobby, the list below is for you.
Fun Skateboard Facts
How much do you know about skateboarding? Let’s brush you up on some modern know-how before you start digging around for a good electric skateboard price. After all, the skateboard culture of today is much different than the skateboard culture of yesteryear (no matter how hard people cling to nostalgia). The highest recorded Ollie is still 45 inches high. Studies have shown a little over 75% of skaters being male, showing a promising trend of women and girls getting invested in the hobby.
Is Skateboarding Still Popular?
You don’t have to worry about a thing. Skateboarding is making one heck of a comeback and all you have to do to be a part of the ride is look around. The United States is the home of skateboarding culture and accounts for over 50% of the skateboarding market. This means you won’t have to search very hard for a competitive electric skateboard price that can meet your budget as well as your growing tastes.
How Many People Skateboard?
People of all shapes, sizes and interests can find something to like in skateboard culture. A recent survey found over 11 million people reporting they actively enjoy skateboarding on a weekly (or daily) basis. Kids can make new friends and get more active all in one go when they get into skateboarding, while adults have plenty to enjoy at the over 500 skateboard parks across the country. These are great locations to show off your skills or just meet some like-minded people on your journey to becoming an avid skater!
What Kind Of Skateboards Are There?
Where there’s a skateboard, there’s a way. Not sure which one will suit you? There are plenty of models on the market for just about any lifestyle. Those that like to use their skateboard for traveling might enjoy a motorized longboard. These are designed to encourage seamless drifting and are a relaxing, affordable way to travel short distances. The best electric skateboard can take some of the exhaustion off a longer session by allowing you to turn the motor on and off at will.
What Is A Good Electric Skateboard Price?
Feeling more confident as to what kind of power skateboard you want to buy? Now it’s time to compare prices. The best electric skateboard price should be a clear match between affordability and quality. You are trying to get the best of all worlds here! A motorized longboard can run as low as $200 and as high as $2,000, depending on your personal interest. Electric skateboards are similar and a strong median price to shoot for is between $400 and $500. When in doubt? Take some time to talk to other hobbyists and see what they have to say.
What Other Skateboard Equipment Should I Buy?
You want your hobby not just to be fun, but safe. New skaters and experienced skaters alike should always wear a helmet to minimize the chances of a serious accident. It only takes one slip and fall to cause permanent brain damage, remember! Knee pads, elbow pads and fingerless gloves can help reduce bruises and scrapes, too. Over 70% of skateboarders much prefer to shop with smaller, specialty brands than bigger chains, so you can even find a way to support nearby businesses with your new investment. It really does sound too good to be true.
Skateboarding is a great way to get fit, make friends and travel in style. What are you waiting for?