As the a growing portion of Americans worry or rejoice in the election of Trump, one feeling that seems to be mutual across the country is the respect that the nation has for President Obama and his wife and two daughters. And as the nation watches with both amazement and horror as Trump selects the most unlikely candidates for his Presidential appointments, some in the country simply want to take a few more weeks and celebrate the scandal free family that will soon be moving out of the white house.
Some news consumers find themselves both disgusted and frightened about the current fake news stories that seem to fill our social media news feeds, but others spend their time trying to focus on the hopeful and uplifting stories that are being reported in year end specials as the last few days of 2016 wind down. Few stories will be more anxiously awaited than Oprah Winfrey’s final interview with First Lady Michelle Obama. and while we know from the previews that have been released to black celebrity news channels and other main stream media outlets that Winfrey will ask Mrs. Obama about whether or not she will ever run for office, we can only imagine what other questions besides wealth and race relations will be
covered in the upcoming, and much awaited, interview. What would you ask the first Lady if you had the chance to talk to her? What topics would you like to hear her talk about?
- Marriage. What is it like being married to the most powerful man in the world? How do you still find time for normal conversations? You will never again be able to go anywhere without secret service protection, but now that you are out of the White House what things about your marriage will return to a more normal state?
- Is being the center of attention more fun and exciting than it is stressful? It has to be pretty fun knowing that whatever you wear whether you are stepping out onto the dance floor for the inaugural ball or heading out on a picnic with your family will help determine style trends that will be covered by black celebrity news companies.
- Can you imagine what the first morning will be like when you wake up living outside of the White House? Do you think that you will sleep in?
- How will you help your daughters make the transition from life in the White House to a more normal life back in your own home?
- Everyone wants to know some answers to basic questions about being around the house. Will you start doing your own dishes again? Or, have you been doing them all along? What three things are you most looking forward to once you are no longer living on Pennsylvania Avenue?
- Life changes can be stressful. How will you and the former president adjust to a schedule that is perhaps less busy? Will you be like other couples who struggle to re-adjust to a new schedule that might have your husband being at home more often and the two of you having more time together? Is that something you look forward to? Or is that a situation that will take a little while to feel comfortable with again?
- Little things that you want to know might include will you have enough closet space for all those beautiful qowns?
- Everyone, from the everyday readers of black celebrity news to the main stream news consumers, wants to know if you will have more make up free and grubby clothes days?
- One question that the entertainment news industry knows its readers wants to ask is what will it be like for your youngest daughter?
- Boys. What has it been like as your girls get older and perhaps start dating?
- Are you ready for a long nap? Will you take advantage of the move out of the limelight?
- Milk. Eggs. Bread. Do you ever see yourself going to the grocery store alone again?
- Are you happy with the way you were able to raise your daughters during the last eight years?
The latest entertainment and the latest celebrity news is always a draw, but few would argue that the Winfrey interview of Mrs. Obama will undoubtedly transcend the traditional black celebrity news followers.