Art has been at the center of culture for as long human society can trace back. This dates back to the primitive caveman days, where art was drawn walls. As time would progress, art would become high-end and sophisticated in the eyes of many.
Art is something that not has developed a culture of its own. People use art to get away from their everyday problems, a place for their emotions to heal and for them to feel good. This is incredibly common in modern day society and it is why art for healthcare facilities is not a big deal.
Participants self-reported their stress levels before entering the gallery and then spent 35 minutes exploring the space in any way they wanted. Upon exiting, they expressed being less stressed. Furthermore, they also had lower concentrations of cortisol, commonly known as the stress hormone. Art can help people feel good and has been proven to help people in healthcare facilities.
Studies have revealed that workplace stress can be reduced by simply using workplace decorations. The School of Psychology at Exeter University has recently discovered that employees that can control the design and layout of their workspace area are happier, healthier, and are 35% more productive. So this can inform you about the potential effects of art for healthcare facilities.
A study found that people working in enriched spaces were 17% more productive than those in lean spaces. The same effect can be found with art for healthcare facilities. It helps people get productive and helps them calm their nerves. As a result, art for healthcare facilities is being implemented across the country.
Arts for Health staff at WFBMC conducted a feasibility study on a neurosurgery floor where they placed 18 large pieces of local art on the walls and added art to some patients’ rooms: Patients commented it made them feel more at home; it made them feel more comfortable; some even commented it made them feel that we cared more. So this is why art for healthcare facilities matters.
Arts and Health Alliance did a survey of 129 Veterans medical centers in 2013. More than half of them offered arts programming at patients’ bedside and more than 40% have rotating art exhibitions, permanent art collections, commissioned paintings or sculptures. Healthcare art consulting and art for healthcare facilities are two ways in which people with serious health issues can feel good for a moment in time.
The Cleveland Clinic recently found that more than 60% of patients reported a reduction in stress from the hospital’s contemporary art collection, works produced in the last 30 years, including fine art posters in exam rooms, public sculptures, nature images and abstract designs.
In Conclusion
There are people every year that get legitimate emotional benefits from being exposed to art for healthcare facilities. While it may seem ridiculous to some on the surface, it can actually go a long way for the people who use art for their well being.