Have you been wanting to learn to dance? According to USA Dance, Inc., there has been a 35% increase in the number of people taking dance lessons. There has also been an increase in the number of people that are attending ballroom events.
If you’ve been invited to a soiree or wedding where there will be ballroom dancing, you may want to take lessons so that you are able to participate with ease and grace. While there are different types of popular ballroom dances, you may be most familiar with the waltz.
The waltz was first introduced in the mid-19th century, and became popular through the music of composer, Johann Strauss. This is a slow and graceful 2-person dance that you can learn by taking classes at a dance studio.
If more lively dances are your preference, you may be interested in learning how to tango. An interesting study compared tango dancing with mindfulness meditation. The results of this study showed that 97% of the participants chose a voucher for a tango class instead of a voucher for a mindfulness meditation class. While meditation may still be popular and recommended for relaxation and other purposes, it’s clear that tango dancing has a considerable appeal.
There are many benefits to learning how to dance. Since fewer than 5% of adults have a daily exercise regime, dancing can be a fun way to engage in aerobic physical activities. Recommendations for adults include a minimum of 30 minutes a day of physical activity, and taking a dance class can provide this and more.
It’s also been found that over 80% of adults aren’t meeting the recommended guidelines for aerobic and muscle-strengthening activities. Furthermore, 80% of adolescents aren’t meeting their recommended activity levels, either. Taking dance classes such as jive, rumba, samba, and swing can all provide the activity levels that are suggested for optimum health.
Vigorous dancing can also burn calories. A 150-pound person, for example, can burn roughly 240 calories every hour that they dance. Why go jogging when you can dance instead!
While it may be fascinating to watch dance a competition on television, these events can be even more exhilarating when you watch them live. Just imagine how wonderful it would be to participate in a dance competition yourself!
You can enjoy being in a dance competition without becoming a professional performer. However, you may discover that you enjoy competing so much that you decide to learn more about how to participate in a dance competition on a regular basis.