How Are Audiobooks Recorded?

If you love books, but you just don’t have the energy to sit down and read, then you’ve probably listened to audiobooks before. These recordings of classic stories give countless people the opportunity to experience books without needing a physical copy. But have you ever wondered how audiobooks are actually recorded? Let’s take a quick look at the process.

First, it’s important to have a book to record with. Then it’s a matter of finding a great narrator.

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Some authors will record their own audiobooks, while others look to professional readers to get the job done right. Suzy Jackson, a professional audiobook narrator, reports that the most challenging part of the process isn’t acting as different characters or following the plot of a book. Rather, it’s the long hours of recording sessions that wear Jackson down.

Audiobooks are still the same length as their paper predecessors, which means that when she records, Jackson is reading an entire book from start to finish. Long recording hours can take a toll on anyone’s voice. Fortunately, the results are well worth the effort to create an adaptation of literary works that people from all walks of life can enjoy.


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