Online video marketing effectiveness has grown so much in recent years that it’s clearly becoming one of, if not the best, way for brands to reach new audiences on the Internet.
This is because more people are watching digital video productions than ever — YouTube alone receives an incredible four billion views of its videos on a typical day. With an audience of this size, it’s essential to craft the best video marketing content possible in order to reach the most users.
Whether your business is just beginning its venture into video marketing or you aren’t happy with the effectiveness of your current video content, it’s important to know how to craft the best video content possible. Here are the top three characteristics that all the web’s best video marketing content shares:
A strong sense of storytelling
The best video advertising content tells a story that will engage consumers and resonate with their experiences. They are universal yet personal in nature, and should generate a positive emotional response that will make people feel connected to your brand and its values. The stories can be funny, tear-jerking or cerebral in nature — just make sure it’s there.
Immediately attention-grabbing content
Did you know that 58% of the average audience of an online video will stop watching it within the first 90 seconds or so? You have a limited time to get consumers’ attention and to hold onto it — so make sure your video marketing content opens with a punch.
A connection with the brand’s SEO campaign
Video marketing and SEO, or search engine optimization, are practically made for each other. Video content has been proven to get an astonishing 267% more links than traditional SEO content, meaning video might be the best way to bring your site to the top of the search engine rankings.
Have any other good tips to share on making one’s web video productions the best they can be? Feel free to share with us and your fellow readers by leaving a comment in the comments section below. Read more blogs like this: b-mc.ca