You have one more year before you turn fifty. This isn’t a time to pity getting older. You are just going to be forty-nine after all. Why not do something special? You may not be young anymore, but who says that you can’t have fun? You might not be able to move or party like you did in your twenties, but that shouldn’t get you down. No matter what condition you are in– mental or physical, you can still have an amazing birthday. Here are sixteen 49th birthday celebration ideas that will make your special day one no one will forget.
1. Spa Day
You are turning forty-nine. This is your day to spoil yourself. Book yourself a day or a weekend at the spa. Don’t just do one thing. Go all out for this. Treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure. Looking for a new hairdo? You can take yourself to a hair specialist. There will be no one to judge you if you think about getting plastic surgery for your birthday. Once you are freshened up and relaxed, you will feel like a new person on your special day. You can even treat yourself to a shopping trip after your spa day. There are plenty of 49th birthday celebration ideas to pamper yourself. You’ve earned it after all. You worked hard for your years.
2. Murder Mystery Party
Are you looking for more adventurous 49th birthday celebration ideas? Here’s a fun idea for all you mystery lovers out there. Get your friends together and throw a murder mystery party. You can make yourself the victim and stage a fake crime scene. Plant clues around your house or wherever you are staying. Have your guests guess how you died, the motive, and who the culprit is. You can give a prize to whoever finds the killer. You can find a murder mystery party kit online. For this to really work, talk to your guests ahead of time so to avoid confusion. Also, talk to one of your guests to play the role of the culprit. Once you have everything figured out, your guests will have a blast with this whodunit-themed party.
3. Feel Like Royalty
Every person deserves to feel like royalty on their birthday. You are no different. What kind of 49th birthday celebration ideas can make you feel like a noble? There is plenty to work with. Make yourself feel like a royal at a royalty-themed party. Wear a crown or tiara on your head. All party decorations should be pink, red, black, purple, or gold. You can have a dinner fit for a queen or king. There are plenty of catering services that can help you with that. Your cake should look just as fancy as you want it to be. If you want to, talk in accents from medieval times to add to the feel. You could talk to some of your friends or family to serve you and your guests your food. Shower your guests with lavish treatments. You can do that, you are a royal after all.
4. Bucket List Before You Turn Fifty
We all have things we want to do before we reach a certain age. Why not make a bucket list of everything you want to do before you turn fifty? Believe it or not, you still have time to do all of the things that you wanted before you die. The bucket list is one of the many 49th birthday celebration ideas that have been gaining attention over the years. You can come up with projects you always wanted to do but never had the time or courage to do them. Maybe learn a new language or find the love of your life. You don’t have to list everything right away. Take your time and think through everything. After all, there is still time for you in this world. You can get your family and friends to join in and help with suggestions on your list. You might inspire them to make bucket lists of their own too.
5. Seven Deadly Sins Party
The seven deadly sins have become an interesting facet of modern society. Throw a party surrounded by this theme. There are many 49th birthday celebration ideas surrounding this theme. You can choose one or go with all of them. Have a cake made with each layer representing each sin. Have a seven-course dinner with each course symbolizing each sin. You can have decorations with the same idea. For the extra mile, have your guests dress up as the sin that represents them best.
6. Just Stay Home and Chill
You don’t have to have a party at all. You might not be in the mood. That’s okay too. You can just stay in and enjoy your birthday in private. You can find plenty of 49th birthday celebration ideas for that too. Maybe you can just stay home and watch a movie. There are now home theater systems for this to be possible. You could just fix yourself your favorite beverage of choice and sit down to watch a good movie. It doesn’t have to be alone if you don’t want to. There is nothing wrong with inviting friends over to watch a movie or two. If you want to get fancy with it, you can go for a candlelit dinner with that special someone in your life.
7. Wine Party
You can never go wrong with wine. There are plenty of 49th birthday celebration ideas that revolve around wine. Have a wine-tasting party just before you hit the big 5-0. You don’t have to break out the expensive stuff either. Get your friends together and you can have a nice dinner with wine. Play some wine trivia games or just drinking games in general. If you don’t feel like staying home, you can go out to your local winery and have samples there. If you love wine so much, you can have a wine-themed birthday cake made just for you. Plus, you don’t have to go all out for the decorations.
8. Paris Party
You can never go wrong with a Paris-themed party. There can be several 49th birthday celebration ideas all centered around Paris. A cake of the Eifel tower would look great for any centerpiece at the table. Have French music playing in the background while you and your guests all munch on French cuisine. Rent some French movies and have a watch party. Have some French wine to go with your dinner. Make a toast to turning forty-nine. Do the capital of France proud.
9. Have a Nice Dinner Out
What if you don’t want to stay home or go big? There are several 49th birthday celebration ideas for that too. You could have a nice dinner instead. Depending on where you live, you can have many places to choose from. In the mood for some sushi or yakisoba? A nice Japanese restaurant is only one Google search away. In the mood for some pizza? You can go out to your nearest pizza restaurant and have a good time there. And you want to know what the best part is? You don’t have to eat alone. Invite friends over for a birthday dinner. You can invite your family to eat with you. You can even invite a paramour to eat with you. Just make the meal special.
10. Make Your Birthday a Romantic One
Are you looking for a more romantic touch for your birthday? You’re in the right place. Make your birthday the ultimate date night. You can find 49th birthday celebration ideas for that too. You think it has to be perfect, but it doesn’t have to be. Tell your paramour what you want. Have them surprise you with a big flower bouquet. Feel free to ask your lover for jewelry. You can have a romantic dinner or see a movie. Have a candlelit dinner at home if you don’t feel like going out. You can even have a romantic weekend for your birthday. Do everything in your power to feel special and loved.
11. Birthday with a View
If you live in the city, you are going to be treated to the view daily. Why not host your birthday party on the rooftop of a building? Some restaurants have tables on the roof. You can have your wine and food while enjoying the city at night. Host a date night on the roof. Invite over a group of friends to share a toast as you enjoy the view from the top. The best part is, some services will help you book a place just on the roof for the day or evening. You will feel like a king or a queen for the night.
12. Class it Up with Some Home Entertainment
There is another way that you can celebrate at home. Let’s say you just want to stay but you want to class it up with your friends. If you have the money, you can hire a string quartet or a covered piano. If you don’t have the money, there are enough 49th birthday celebration ideas to help you work around the lack of money. You can be the one to play for your friends. Whether you hire somebody or play yourself, you can have wine and snacks for everyone to enjoy while they listen. Having a party at home doesn’t have to be dull and lifeless.
13. Game Night Birthday
This is another stay-at-home-and-enjoy-your-birthday-idea. Do you like games? Not just video games either. Simple boards can do just fine. There are so many games to choose from. Chess is a good place to start with someone you are really close to. There are other games you can play with your friends. Dungeons and Dragons, Candyland, Monopoly, Scrabble, and many more are good 49th birthday celebration ideas for a game night. Make it a true game night with plenty of drinks and snacks to go around. You can even have little prizes for the winners at the end of the night.
14. Go Out to the Art Museum
This one is for all of the artsy creatives out there. You know that art museum you wanted to visit but never had the time? Well, make that a birthday trip. It will just be you and magnificent art all around you. If you are an active artist, you can find inspiration for your work. It’s rather easy to set up. A quick Google search can tell you which museums are nearby. See what time and days they are open. This can either be a solo trip or go with your lover. You can even invite family to come with you. No matter who you are with, you can just enjoy the day and feel sophisticated.
15. Birthday Wall
You are going to be forty-nine years old. Why not make a wall about you? That’s right, decorate a wall all about you. Hang up pictures of you. Put up your paper accomplishments. All the mementos that you have treasured over the years. Put up all of the things that you created over the years. You can get your friends and family to help you decorate the wall of you. Finish it off by signing your name and taking a snapshot of it. Keep this wall as a way to celebrate you and how far you have come. May you have many more years to come.
16. Bar Crawl
Finally, there is the good old bar crawl. It’s just as it sounds. Invite your friends to come with you. You can hit up all of the bars in your hometown and drink the night away. You can even go big with it. Dress up or put on costumes. Rent a party bus for the night. Some cities will let you rent out bar crawl bikes for safety reasons. That way you can be alive and drive the night away. Just make sure that you do up the night with pride.
You are never too old to have a good birthday. You just have to make it special. These sixteen 49th birthday celebration ideas are a start. You are free to change things up for these plans. It is your birthday after all. You will be fifty next year.