STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math. Both boys and girls can benefit from attending a STEM private school. CBS This Morning examines just what those benefits are by looking specifically at what makes BASIS schools so special.
Started in 1998, there are 31 BASIS schools across America.
BASIS makes the learning process itself fun by using unusual teaching techniques, such as turning math class into a game of The Price is Right. This helps make kids be more excited about learning.
BASIS also makes kids take seven advanced courses starting in eighth grade. They also need to pass tests with much higher standards than current national learning standards. This makes kids ready for college and the challenges of employment.
Teachers in STEM private schools are experts in their subjects. BASIS demands a lot of its students but makes sure students have access to extra help to understand and complete its challenging courses. Class sizes are smaller in private schools, meaning teachers can spend more time with each student.